
[Linux] dell omsa command (옴사 명령어) - omreport

louky 2020. 11. 5. 01:29

DELL 시스템에  Centos나 REdhat이며,OMSA사 설치 되어 있다면 OMSA명령어를 통해 DELL  H/W를 모니터링 할 수 있다. 

HP시스템으로 치면 hplog -v 또는 hpsscli(또는 hpacucli)와 같은 명령어이다. 


<OMSA 설치 방법 >

2020/07/28 - [분류 전체보기] - [Linux] Dell OMSA(OpenManage Server Administrator) 설치


[Linux] Dell OMSA(OpenManage Server Administrator) 설치

Dell Hardware를 운영할때  H/W시스템의 상태를 확인하고자 할 경우 OMSA를 설치해야 한다. OMSA => OpenManage Server Administrator 이며, 흔히들 옴사(?)라고 불리운다. 이전에는 설치 방법이 제법까다로웠다..


OMSA가 설치 되었다는 전재하에 아래 명령어로 시스템을 확인한다. 

기본적으로 OMSA를 설치하면 /opt/dell/srvadmin/bin 하위에 명령어들이  존재 한다. 


<도움말(HELP) 및 옵션 확인 방법 >


usage) omreport <command...> [name=value...] ... [option...]

sh-4.2# omreport -?

omreport         Reports component properties.

The available command(s) are:

Command          Description
about            Product and version properties.
licenses         Displays the digital licenses of the installed hardware devices.
preferences      Report system preferences.
system           System component properties.
chassis          Chassis component properties.
storage          Display storage component properties.

Usage: omreport <command...> [name=value...] ... [option...]

Valid command line options are:

-?               Print available command(s) or command help.
-fmt <lst|tbl|ssv|cdv|xml> Format for output results, default is lst.
                           Where: lst  List format.
                                  tbl  Table format.
                                  ssv  Semicolon separated format.
                                  cdv  Custom delimiter separated format.
                                  xml  Raw XML format.
-outc <file>     Redirect output to file, delete old if exists.
-outa <file>     Redirect output to file, append to old if exists.
Output may also be redirected using Operating System facilities (e.g. |more).



시스템 상태 확인 

./omreport system -?

sh-4.2# omreport system -?

system           System component properties.

The available command(s) are:

Command          Description
alertaction      Alert action(s) properties.
alertlog         View alert log.
assetinfo        Asset information.
cmdlog           View command log.
esmlog           View hardware (Embedded System Management) log.
events           View events enable/disable settings.
snmptrapdest     Reports the SNMP trap destinations.
operatingsystem  Operating system properties.
platformevents   Platform event report.
pedestinations   Platform event destinations.
postlog          View Power On Self Test (POST) log.
recovery         Auto recovery properties.
shutdown         Shutdown properties.
thrmshutdown     Thermal shutdown properties.
summary          Summary of all system components.
version          Version report for all updateable components.
invcol           Reports the Inventory Collector status.

Usage: omreport <command...> [name=value...] ... [option...]

Valid command line options are:

-?               Print available command(s) or command help.
-fmt <lst|tbl|ssv|cdv|xml> Format for output results, default is lst.
                           Where: lst  List format.
                                  tbl  Table format.
                                  ssv  Semicolon separated format.
                                  cdv  Custom delimiter separated format.
                                  xml  Raw XML format.
-outc <file>     Redirect output to file, delete old if exists.
-outa <file>     Redirect output to file, append to old if exists.
Output may also be redirected using Operating System facilities (e.g. |more).

System 주요 확인 명령어 


<alert log>

sh-4.2# omreport system alertlog
Alert Log

Alert Log contains...

Severity      : Ok
ID            : SYS104
Date and Time : Thu Nov  5 00:38:05 2020
Category      : Instrumentation Service
Description   : Severity: Informational, Category: Audit, MessageID: SYS104, Message: Server Administrator is starting.


Severity      : Non-Critical
ID            : SYS105
Date and Time : Thu Nov  5 00:28:11 2020
Category      : Instrumentation Service
Description   : Severity: Warning, Category: System Health, MessageID: SYS105, Message: Unable to process the event: An OEM diagnostic event occurred. Date and time of event: Sat Oct 17 02:22:47 2020.


sh-4.2# omreport system esmlog
Embedded System Management (ESM) Log

Health : Ok

Severity      : Ok
Date and Time : Sat Aug 10 10:41:44 2019
Description   : Log cleared.

Severity      : Non-Critical
Date and Time : Fri Oct 16 17:22:46 2020
Description   : Correctable Machine Check Exception detected on CPU 2.

everity      : Critical
Date and Time : Fri Oct 16 17:22:48 2020
Description   : Correctable memory error logging disabled for a memory device at location DIMM_B1.

Severity      : Ok
Date and Time : Fri Oct 16 17:22:48 2020
Description   : An OEM diagnostic event occurred.


omreport system은 기본적인 helth상태를 보여주고 H/W각 파트별 상세는 chassis 를 통해 확인 할 수 있다. 


각 H/W 파트상태 확인 

sh-4.2# omreport chassis -?

chassis          Chassis component properties.

The available command(s) are:

Command          Description
pwrmonitoring    Power monitoring properties.
pwrmanagement    Power management properties.
hwperformance    Hardware performance information.
acswitch         AC switch settings.
bios             BIOS properties.
biossetup        BIOS setup configuration properties.
bmc              Remote Access information.
                   This subcommand is deprecated and will be discontinued in
                   a subsequent release.
                   Use the subcommand "remoteaccess" instead.
fans             Fan probe(s) properties.
fru              System Components (FRU) information.
leds             Chassis LED settings.
firmware         Firmware properties.
info             Chassis information.
intrusion        Chassis intrusion status.
memory           System memory configuration.
nics             Network interface card(s) and Team Interface(s) properties.
ports            Port(s) properties.
frontpanel       Front panel button control settings.
processors       Processor(s) properties.
pwrsupplies      Power supply(s) properties.
slots            Slot(s) properties.
temps            Temperature probe(s) properties.
volts            Voltage probe(s) properties.
remoteaccess     Remote Access information.
batteries        Battery(s) properties.
removableflashmedia        Removeable flash Media properties.

Usage: omreport <command...> [name=value...] ... [option...]

Valid command line options are:

-?               Print available command(s) or command help.
-fmt <lst|tbl|ssv|cdv|xml> Format for output results, default is lst.
                           Where: lst  List format.
                                  tbl  Table format.
                                  ssv  Semicolon separated format.
                                  cdv  Custom delimiter separated format.
                                  xml  Raw XML format.
-outc <file>     Redirect output to file, delete old if exists.
-outa <file>     Redirect output to file, append to old if exists.
Output may also be redirected using Operating System facilities (e.g. |more).

메모리 상태 확인 

- 메모리 전체 상태 확인 => omreport chassis memory

- 특정 메모리 슬롯 상태 확인 => omreport chassis memory  index=SLOT_NUMBER

sh-4.2# omreport chassis memory
Memory Information

Health : Ok

Attributes of Memory Array  1
Location           : System Board or Motherboard
Use                : System Memory
Installed Capacity : 65536  MB
Maximum Capacity   : 7864320  MB
Slots Available    : 24
Slots Used         : 4
Error Correction   : Multibit ECC

Total of Memory Array(s)
Total Installed Capacity                     : 65536  MB
Total Installed Capacity Available to the OS : 63317  MB
Total Maximum Capacity                       : 7864320  MB

Details of Memory Array 1
Index          : 0
Status         : Ok
Connector Name : A1
Type           : DDR4 - Synchronous Registered (Buffered)
Size           : 16384  MB

Index          : 1
Status         : Ok
Connector Name : A2
Type           : DDR4 - Synchronous Registered (Buffered)
Size           : 16384  MB

Index          :
Status         : Unknown
Connector Name : A3
Type           : [Not Occupied]
Size           :

Index          :
Status         : Unknown
Connector Name : A4
Type           : [Not Occupied]
Size           :

Index          :
Status         : Unknown
Connector Name : A5
Type           : [Not Occupied]
Size           :

Index          :
Status         : Unknown
Connector Name : A6
Type           : [Not Occupied]
Size           :


#######  위치별 상세 확인 

sh-4.2# omreport chassis memory index=1
Memory Device Information

Health : Ok

Status                          : Ok
Device Name                     : A2
Size                            : 16384 MB
Type                            : DDR4 Synchronous Registered (Buffered)
Speed                           : 0.38 ns
Rank                            : Dual
Failures                        : None
Technology                      : DRAM
Volatile Size                   : 16384 MB
Non-Volatile Size               : N/A
Cache Size                      : N/A
Remaining Rated Write Endurance : N/A


# omreport chassis fans

port 확인 (USB port, Serial Port )

# omreport chassis ports


# omreport chassis nics

PowerSupply 확인

# omreport chassis pwrsupplies
Power Supplies Information

Power Supply Redundancy
Redundancy Status : Full

Individual Power Supply Elements
Index                    : 0
Status                   : Ok
Location                 : PS1 Status
Type                     : AC
Rated Input Wattage      : 900 W
Maximum Output Wattage   : 750 W
Firmware Version         : 00.1B.53
Online Status            : Presence Detected
Power Monitoring Capable : Yes

Index                    : 1
Status                   : Ok
Location                 : PS2 Status
Type                     : AC
Rated Input Wattage      : 900 W
Maximum Output Wattage   : 750 W
Firmware Version         : 00.1B.53
Online Status            : Presence Detected
Power Monitoring Capable : Yes

그외 battery, Bios, volt, firmware등을 확인 할 수 있다. 



DISK 상태 확인 

Raid, Rebuild, Disk Fault등을 육안이 아닌 명령어로 확인이 가능하다. 

sh-4.2# omreport storage -?

storage          Display storage component properties.

The available command(s) are:

Command          Description
adisk            Display array disk(s) properties. DEPRECATED: please use pdisk
pdisk            Display physical disk(s) properties.
vdisk            Display virtual disk(s) properties.
controller       Display controller(s) properties.
enclosure        Display enclosure properties.
battery          Display battery properties.
globalinfo       Display global storage properties.
connector        Display connector properties.
cachecade        Display cachecade(s) properties.
pciessd          Display PCIeSSD subsystem properties.
fluidcache       Display Fluid Cache properties and the associated fluid cachedisks.
fluidcachepool   Display Fluid CachePool properties.
partition        Display Partition details for the specified controller and vdisk.
fluidcachedisk   Display Fluidcache disks properties.
tape             Display Tape Drive(s) properties.
nvmeadapter      Display nvmeadapter properties.

Usage: omreport <command...> [name=value...] ... [option...]

Valid command line options are:

-?               Print available command(s) or command help.
-fmt <lst|tbl|ssv|cdv|xml> Format for output results, default is lst.
                           Where: lst  List format.
                                  tbl  Table format.
                                  ssv  Semicolon separated format.
                                  cdv  Custom delimiter separated format.
                                  xml  Raw XML format.
-outc <file>     Redirect output to file, delete old if exists.
-outa <file>     Redirect output to file, append to old if exists.
Output may also be redirected using Operating System facilities (e.g. |more).


먼저 확인을 위해서는 controller 에서 controller ID와  vdisk (VirtualDisk- 즉RAID단위)에 대한 사전 정보가 필요하다


Controller ID는 꼭 필요하기에 먼저 omreport storage controller하여  controller ID를 확인해 둔다. 

sh-4.2# omreport storage controller
 Controller  PERC H740P Adapter (Slot 6)

ID                                            : 0
Status                                        : Ok
Name                                          : PERC H740P Adapter
Slot ID                                       : PCIe Slot 6
State                                         : Ready
Firmware Version                              : 50.3.0-1022
Minimum Required Firmware Version             : Not Applicable
Driver Version                                : 07.701.17.00-rh1
Minimum Required Driver Version               : Not Applicable
Storport Driver Version                       : Not Applicable
Minimum Required Storport Driver Version      : Not Applicable
Number of Connectors                          : 1
Rebuild Rate                                  : 30%
BGI Rate                                      : 30%
Check Consistency Rate                        : 30%
Reconstruct Rate                              : 30%
Alarm State                                   : Not Applicable
Cluster Mode                                  : Not Applicable
SCSI Initiator ID                             : Not Applicable
Cache Memory Size                             : 8192 MB
Patrol Read Mode                              : Auto
Patrol Read State                             : Stopped
Patrol Read Rate                              : 30%
Patrol Read Iterations                        : 117
Abort Check Consistency on Error              : Disabled
Allow Revertible Hot Spare and Replace Member : Enabled
Load Balance                                  : Not Applicable
Auto Replace Member on Predictive Failure     : Disabled
Redundant Path view                           : Not Applicable
CacheCade Capable                             : Not Applicable
Persistent Hot Spare                          : Disabled
Encryption Capable                            : Yes
Encryption Key Present                        : No
Encryption Mode                               : None
Preserved Cache                               : Not Applicable
Spin Down Unconfigured Drives                 : Disabled
Spin Down Hot Spares                          : Disabled
Spin Down Configured Drives                   : Disabled
Automatic Disk Power Saving (Idle C)          : Disabled
Start Time (HH:MM)                            : Not Applicable
Time Interval for Spin Up (in Hours)          : Not Applicable
T10 Protection Information Capable            : No
Non-RAID HDD Disk Cache Policy                : Not Applicable
Current Controller Mode                       : RAID

다음으로 Raid 상태 및 rebild 상태는 아래와 같이 확인 할 수 있다. 

sh-4.2# omreport storage vdisk
List of Virtual Disks in the System

Controller PERC H740P Adapter  (Slot 6)
ID                                : 0
Status                            : Ok
Name                              : OS
State                             : Ready
Hot Spare Policy violated         : Not Assigned
Encrypted                         : No
Layout                            : RAID-1
Size                              : 558.38 GB (599550590976 bytes)
T10 Protection Information Status : No
Associated Fluid Cache State      : Not Applicable
Device Name                       : /dev/sda
Bus Protocol                      : SAS
Media                             : HDD
Read Policy                       : Read Ahead
Write Policy                      : Write Back
Cache Policy                      : Not Applicable
Stripe Element Size               : 256 KB
Disk Cache Policy                 : Unchanged

ID                                : 1
Status                            : Ok
Name                              : DATA
State                             : Ready
Hot Spare Policy violated         : Not Assigned
Encrypted                         : No
Layout                            : RAID-10
Size                              : 3,908.63 GB (4196854136832 bytes)
T10 Protection Information Status : No
Associated Fluid Cache State      : Not Applicable
Device Name                       : /dev/sdb
Bus Protocol                      : SAS
Media                             : HDD
Read Policy                       : Read Ahead
Write Policy                      : Write Back
Cache Policy                      : Not Applicable
Stripe Element Size               : 256 KB
Disk Cache Policy                 : Unchanged

각 DISK  Slot별 상태는 아래와 같이 확인 한다. 

### 장착된 Disk 수 만큼 출력이 될 것이다. 

sh-4.2# omreport storage adisk Controller=0

List of Physical Disks on Controller PERC H740P Adapter  (Slot 6)

Controller PERC H740P Adapter  (Slot 6)
ID                              : 0:1:0
Status                          : Ok
Name                            : Physical Disk 0:1:0
State                           : Online
Power Status                    : Spun Up
Bus Protocol                    : SAS
Media                           : HDD
Part of Cache Pool              : Not Applicable
Remaining Rated Write Endurance : Not Applicable
Failure Predicted               : No
Revision                        : KT37
Driver Version                  : Not Applicable
Model Number                    : Not Applicable
T10 PI Capable                  : No
Certified                       : Yes
Encryption Capable              : No
Encryption Protocol             : Not Applicable
Encrypted                       : Not Applicable
Progress                        : Not Applicable
Mirror Set ID                   : Not Applicable
Capacity                        : 558.38 GB (599550590976 bytes)
Used RAID Disk Space            : 558.38 GB (599550590976 bytes)
Available RAID Disk Space       : 0.00 GB (0 bytes)
Hot Spare                       : No
Vendor ID                       : DELL(tm)
Product ID                      : ST600MP0036
Serial No.                      : WAF0SA26
Part Number                     : CN0FPW68SGW0085C00TFA01
Negotiated Speed                : 12.00 Gbps
Capable Speed                   : 12.00 Gbps
PCIe Negotiated Link Width      : Not Applicable
PCIe Maximum Link Width         : Not Applicable
Sector Size                     : 512B
Device Write Cache              : Not Applicable
Manufacture Day                 : 02
Manufacture Week                : 19
Manufacture Year                : 2018
SAS Address                     : 5000C500B85F3A09
WWN                             : 5000C500B85F3A09
Non-RAID HDD Disk Cache Policy  : Not Applicable
Disk Cache Policy               : Not Applicable
Sub Vendor                      : Not Available
Available Spare                 : Not Available
Cryptographic Erase Capable     : Yes

ID                              : 0:1:1
Status                          : Ok
Name                            : Physical Disk 0:1:1
State                           : Online
Power Status                    : Spun Up
Bus Protocol                    : SAS
Media                           : HDD
Part of Cache Pool              : Not Applicable
Remaining Rated Write Endurance : Not Applicable
Failure Predicted               : No
Revision                        : KT37
Driver Version                  : Not Applicable
Model Number                    : Not Applicable
T10 PI Capable                  : No
Certified                       : Yes
Encryption Capable              : No
Encryption Protocol             : Not Applicable
Encrypted                       : Not Applicable
Progress                        : Not Applicable
Mirror Set ID                   : Not Applicable
Capacity                        : 558.38 GB (599550590976 bytes)
Used RAID Disk Space            : 558.38 GB (599550590976 bytes)
Available RAID Disk Space       : 0.00 GB (0 bytes)
Hot Spare                       : No
Vendor ID                       : DELL(tm)
Product ID                      : ST600MP0036
Serial No.                      : WAF0Q9RW
Part Number                     : CN0FPW68SGW0085E01WDA01
Negotiated Speed                : 12.00 Gbps
Capable Speed                   : 12.00 Gbps
PCIe Negotiated Link Width      : Not Applicable
PCIe Maximum Link Width         : Not Applicable
Sector Size                     : 512B
Device Write Cache              : Not Applicable
Manufacture Day                 : 04
Manufacture Week                : 19
Manufacture Year                : 2018
SAS Address                     : 5000C500B860D5C9
WWN                             : 5000C500B860D5C9
Non-RAID HDD Disk Cache Policy  : Not Applicable
Disk Cache Policy               : Not Applicable
Sub Vendor                      : Not Available
Available Spare                 : Not Available
Cryptographic Erase Capable     : Yes

ID                              : 0:1:2
Status                          : Ok
Name                            : Physical Disk 0:1:2
State                           : Online
Power Status                    : Spun Up
Bus Protocol                    : SAS
Media                           : HDD
Part of Cache Pool              : Not Applicable
Remaining Rated Write Endurance : Not Applicable
Failure Predicted               : No
Revision                        : KT37
Driver Version                  : Not Applicable
Model Number                    : Not Applicable
T10 PI Capable                  : No
Certified                       : Yes
Encryption Capable              : No
Encryption Protocol             : Not Applicable
Encrypted                       : Not Applicable
Progress                        : Not Applicable
Mirror Set ID                   : 0
Capacity                        : 558.38 GB (599550590976 bytes)
Used RAID Disk Space            : 558.38 GB (599550590976 bytes)
Available RAID Disk Space       : 0.00 GB (0 bytes)
Hot Spare                       : No
Vendor ID                       : DELL(tm)
Product ID                      : ST600MP0036
Serial No.                      : WAF0RMET
Part Number                     : CN0FPW68SGW0085E028TA01
Negotiated Speed                : 12.00 Gbps
Capable Speed                   : 12.00 Gbps
PCIe Negotiated Link Width      : Not Applicable
PCIe Maximum Link Width         : Not Applicable
Sector Size                     : 512B
Device Write Cache              : Not Applicable
Manufacture Day                 : 04
Manufacture Week                : 19
Manufacture Year                : 2018
SAS Address                     : 5000C500B861A3ED
WWN                             : 5000C500B861A3ED
Non-RAID HDD Disk Cache Policy  : Not Applicable
Disk Cache Policy               : Not Applicable
Sub Vendor                      : Not Available
Available Spare                 : Not Available
Cryptographic Erase Capable     : Yes

ID                              : 0:1:3
Status                          : Ok
Name                            : Physical Disk 0:1:3
State                           : Online
Power Status                    : Spun Up
Bus Protocol                    : SAS
Media                           : HDD
Part of Cache Pool              : Not Applicable
Remaining Rated Write Endurance : Not Applicable
Failure Predicted               : No
Revision                        : KT37
Driver Version                  : Not Applicable
Model Number                    : Not Applicable
T10 PI Capable                  : No
Certified                       : Yes
Encryption Capable              : No
Encryption Protocol             : Not Applicable
Encrypted                       : Not Applicable
Progress                        : Not Applicable
Mirror Set ID                   : 0
Capacity                        : 558.38 GB (599550590976 bytes)
Used RAID Disk Space            : 558.38 GB (599550590976 bytes)
Available RAID Disk Space       : 0.00 GB (0 bytes)
Hot Spare                       : No
Vendor ID                       : DELL(tm)
Product ID                      : ST600MP0036
Serial No.                      : WAF0Q967
Part Number                     : CN0FPW68SGW0085C01RSA01
Negotiated Speed                : 12.00 Gbps
Capable Speed                   : 12.00 Gbps
PCIe Negotiated Link Width      : Not Applicable
PCIe Maximum Link Width         : Not Applicable
Sector Size                     : 512B
Device Write Cache              : Not Applicable
Manufacture Day                 : 02
Manufacture Week                : 19
Manufacture Year                : 2018
SAS Address                     : 5000C500B860F401
WWN                             : 5000C500B860F401
Non-RAID HDD Disk Cache Policy  : Not Applicable
Disk Cache Policy               : Not Applicable
Sub Vendor                      : Not Available
Available Spare                 : Not Available
Cryptographic Erase Capable     : Yes

ID                              : 0:1:4
Status                          : Ok
Name                            : Physical Disk 0:1:4
State                           : Online
Power Status                    : Spun Up
Bus Protocol                    : SAS
Media                           : HDD
Part of Cache Pool              : Not Applicable
Remaining Rated Write Endurance : Not Applicable
Failure Predicted               : No
Revision                        : KT37
Driver Version                  : Not Applicable
Model Number                    : Not Applicable
T10 PI Capable                  : No
Certified                       : Yes
Encryption Capable              : No
Encryption Protocol             : Not Applicable
Encrypted                       : Not Applicable
Progress                        : Not Applicable
Mirror Set ID                   : 1
Capacity                        : 558.38 GB (599550590976 bytes)
Used RAID Disk Space            : 558.38 GB (599550590976 bytes)
Available RAID Disk Space       : 0.00 GB (0 bytes)
Hot Spare                       : No
Vendor ID                       : DELL(tm)
Product ID                      : ST600MP0036
Serial No.                      : WAF0NKHQ
Part Number                     : CN0FPW68SGW0085D04MUA01
Negotiated Speed                : 12.00 Gbps
Capable Speed                   : 12.00 Gbps
PCIe Negotiated Link Width      : Not Applicable
PCIe Maximum Link Width         : Not Applicable
Sector Size                     : 512B
Device Write Cache              : Not Applicable
Manufacture Day                 : 03
Manufacture Week                : 19
Manufacture Year                : 2018
SAS Address                     : 5000C500B861BD7D
WWN                             : 5000C500B861BD7D
Non-RAID HDD Disk Cache Policy  : Not Applicable
Disk Cache Policy               : Not Applicable
Sub Vendor                      : Not Available
Available Spare                 : Not Available
Cryptographic Erase Capable     : Yes

그외 명령어는 omreport -? 를 해서 응용하여 사용하면 된다. 
